18 Pretty Corner Shelf Designs to Help You Tidy Up

Having a small corner space can be pretty daunting. At a point you want to make use of that limited space. At the same time, you’re not sure about what you can put there. Corner space can be pretty tricky to deal with. Too much stuff will make it so stuffed it’ll look ugly. But too sparse will cause a certain emptiness.

Aside of started selling those knick knacks at some garage sale. Maybe you should start checking out these corner shelf designs below. Finding one that will suit your situation better

Corner Shelf Design for Bedroom

corner shelf designs for teenage girls bedroom

If your bedroom is not a square, or only have limited space. You can use the corner for a built in shelf like this one. You can store whatever you want there, books, toys, and maybe add a sliding panel as faux door for that shelf.

Built-in Out Corner Shelf Design

simple space savvy corner shelf designs

Lately it’s pretty common to use not only the corner in, but also the out corner part like this. Maybe people have started to think outside the box and want to make good use of all space they have

Classic Squared Corner Shelf

classic squared corner shelf designs

One of the classics, along with the fan shaped shelf. But this square shelf is more versatile as you don’t have to put it in the corner all the time. You also can put it in the middle of the room or have a few and make them a faux partition.

Also Read: Small Corner Shelving Units

Gallery for Pretty Corner Shelf Designs


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