19 Cool Painting Ideas for Bedrooms You’ll Love for Sure

Decorating a bedroom can be much of a hassle, if one doesn’t really enjoy on doing so. There are so much work to do and more importantly, you will need extra budget to cover it.optical illusion cool painting ideas for bedrooms

Instead of replacing furniture or buying expensive paintings to enhance aesthetic look of our room, we can always try to experiment with wall first. It doesn’t require that much work, and it would be a good idea for those who are unwilling to spend extra expenses.

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To add more plus, decorating wall can cause huge atmosphere change of the room even if there is only a subtle change like color, it can brighten the atmosphere as well as making it look gloomier. Some would opt for wallpapers, which is very convenient since the only work to do is to stick it up to the wall. However, we can only choose the design available in the store which is a minus.uneven shades of blue cool painting ideas for bedrooms

Younger and creative minds might prefer to paint on their own. There are some cool painting ideas for bedrooms that are worth the try such as stripes, dots, bricks, mosaics, and animal prints. Stripes, contrary to the claims which is mainstream stereotype, can be unexpectedly charming depending on the base color used. Color is the key and applies to all kind of designs. So, would you like to try some cool painting ideas for your bedroom?

Also Read: Easy canvas painting ideas

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