Building a school in Beijing with hopes of re-urbanizing the surrounding area is definitely a challenge. Being a densely populated city, there are already so many environmental issue that the building have to avoid. And being a school, it means the design needs to accommodate the client’s wishes as well as creating a good and healthy environment for many years to come.
Coming with the idea of going vertical due to the minimum space available. The team, OPEN Architecture, created a building that connects both parts in such unique way as a way to represent the formal and informal education that happen in the area.
The lower ground have the large spaces rooms like the canteen, main lobby, gymnasium, and swimming pool. While the upper ground have the classrooms, laboratories and administration. And all the rooftop area is an organic farm.
The lower ground’s rooms have different heights based on their necessity. And this spatial difference created a unique flow that you can see when you’re going to the upper building.
The Nature plays a great part in this building. Not just for giving the inspiration, and providing the material used. But also by having the team think thoroughly on the to apply a sustainable natural living on this design. The geometry is well thought so the temperature will be well maintained in the summer and winter.