Homepage»Architecture»Small Colonial Kitchen Remodeling Done Awesome by Jeanie Petrick
Small Colonial Kitchen Remodeling Done Awesome by Jeanie Petrick
Remodeling a kitchen can be easy and difficult at the same time. At any rate, it’s a challenge for any architectural firm. Since each client wanted a different design for their own kitchen, and their own space.
When Jeanie Petrick got contacted by a client who wanted to redo her kitchen. She was surprised when finding out that her client only had 154 square feet for the kitchen, but wanted a colonial kitchen to match her colonial style house. Lucky for her, she contacted the right architect.
The new kitchen is now doubled in size, and have a proper kitchen island. They did a complete overhaul on the whole house, giving Jeanie an extra 1500 square feet to work on. That’s how she expanded the kitchen.
She also added a small breakfast bar that works as a partition between the kitchen and the seating area.
The sitting area is new. They had to elevate the ground a bit and create a small but cozy sitting area with a door that leads to an outdoor family room.
The whole finished look is clean and traditional. With brick backsplash and off white color scheme. The new kitchen looks very gorgeous and elegant.
The kitchen is easy to access from any part of the house. That symbolizes the client’s wish to make the kitchen the heart of the house.