People always think about grand and majestic design when it comes to pedestal table base. But that’s the idea. Pedestal table base is not only enough to hold heavy table top. But it also gives a very grand image. You can go as tall as your hip or even set the table a bit shorter.
While most pedestal table base is used for round table. But sometimes square table use it too. Of course, in more modern approach. A glass top with granite pedestal base can look very amazing in your house.
Checkered Ottoman Style
Looking both very unique and classic. The whole design is set in classic, with the curves and spindle shape. But the black and white checkered pattern made all the difference.
Maple Square
Simple, rustic, and also classic. Some of you might think that it’s more modern. But it will be a classic soon. The geometric precision is what most people are looking for lately. This small table works both indoor and outdoor.
It’s shiny with square glasses that circled the table and stand. People who like this style is either a retro mania or more of an art deco fan. Anyhow, we all agree that the stand itself is pretty and looking glamorous.